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My mission at Life Beyond Infertility is to provide valuable, honest information and tools to enhance a woman's mental and emotional health, confidence, and well-being—all at no cost to you. As I continue to grow and evolve, your continued support becomes even more important to my mission! I'd like to personally invite you to become a Life Beyond Infertility Premium Member. By subscribing to Premium, you'll not only gain access to the exclusive content outlined below, but also play a vital role in breaking the stigma around living without children after an infertility journey. I remain committed to providing free, accessible, high-value content through my regular podcast episodes. But with your help and support, we can create a ripple effect that touches countless lives beyond the podcast! If you're passionate about deepening your understanding of a life beyond infertility and supporting my mission, consider becoming a Life Beyond Infertility Premium Member. Together we can expand our network, and contribute to life-changing resources that enhances the information and tools I share with you every week. I want to sincerely thank you for your support and for believing in my mission. Your enthusiasm and encouragement for a brighter future for women like us is the driving force behind everything I do. - Charlie

A Personal Message from Charlie

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Charlie and her husband suffered from infertility without success for eight years. Throughout their struggle, Charlie felt isolated, outcast, and misunderstood. After they made the decision to end their fertility journey, Charlie searched for people and resources who could help her navigate life after an unsuccessful path to parenthood...only to find crickets. This podcast helps those struggling to navigate life outside of fertility. Diving into issues such as ”how do I regain my confidence as a woman?” to ”how do I not flip out when someone tells me they’re pregnant?”. It’s the stuff NO ONE is talking about but should! Interviews, monologues and rants with industry leaders, and real-life stories from women, including Charlie herself. Infertility sucks. Life with it doesn’t have to.
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#026: Dr. Maddy Roth - Pelvic Floor Therapy for Painful Sex and Your Body's "Normal"
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Rita Utterback: Endo and Functional Nutrition
Lana Manikowski - Life After Infertility Coach and Childless Not by Choice Advocate
Casa de Confidence - Julie DeLucca Collins - TEDx Speaker, Confidence Coach & Infertility Survivor
Ben Walker - Procrastination and Mindset Coach - Gremlins and Vomit?
Donna Fields - On Being Unmarried, Childfree by Choice and Living Abroad
Lexy Leigh - Peace of Me Podcast: Being Childfree by Choice and a Stepmom
+ 30 more episodes

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